Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spring & Summer Beach Scene 2011

A BIG Thank you goes out to Miss Alison for modeling our Mermaid costume and New Beach scene. She was a blast to work with! I have mermaid costumes in a couple or different sizes so please inquire for sizing if you would like to do these. We also have some cute white outfits that would look great with our little white row boat for kids ages (sitting to 4 years).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We now have our Beach scene up and in use. Here is Miss Carli, our first to model using some of the various props that we have to go with it. We also have a small white row boat with oar, mermaid outifits in a couple of different sizes, and some cute white bib and sailor outfits to use. (Please inquire for sizes available).
This scene would also look adorable with your child's new beach attire and sand buckets.

Call today to reserve your session. This scene will only be in use for a limited time!

This weekend I will begin working on a Calandar project to raise funds for the Jordan Light Foundation. I need help finding children who are battling or who have survived cancer to photograph. If you know any families who may be interested in being included, we would love to tell their story. Please have them get in touch with me ASAP.