Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spring & Summer Beach Scene 2011

A BIG Thank you goes out to Miss Alison for modeling our Mermaid costume and New Beach scene. She was a blast to work with! I have mermaid costumes in a couple or different sizes so please inquire for sizing if you would like to do these. We also have some cute white outfits that would look great with our little white row boat for kids ages (sitting to 4 years).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We now have our Beach scene up and in use. Here is Miss Carli, our first to model using some of the various props that we have to go with it. We also have a small white row boat with oar, mermaid outifits in a couple of different sizes, and some cute white bib and sailor outfits to use. (Please inquire for sizes available).
This scene would also look adorable with your child's new beach attire and sand buckets.

Call today to reserve your session. This scene will only be in use for a limited time!

This weekend I will begin working on a Calandar project to raise funds for the Jordan Light Foundation. I need help finding children who are battling or who have survived cancer to photograph. If you know any families who may be interested in being included, we would love to tell their story. Please have them get in touch with me ASAP.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Set Now In! Book your session today!

Here is a sample of our new "Barn Yard/Tire Swing set". The kiddo's are all going nuts over this one! It is fun, they can just be themselves, and no matter what...the pictures turn out down right adorable. Ethan and Evan had a blast as you can see. To see more of our "New Set" samples and keep up with the latest studio updates, visit us and become a fan on Facebook.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Backgrounds & Sets Coming Soon

Just wanted to let everyone know how excited I am! We will be receiving our new sets and backgrounds later this month. These will include an awesome new barnyard scene which will have a tire swing, a winter fairy scene, A beach scene (for spring) with real sand and even a boat for the kids to sit in. We will also be getting a new white vinyl background, a new light colored floral garden background, and a new Sassy Swank set (which is kind of abstract). Pictures of all the new things are on my facebook fan page....go add us!!/pages/Pikeville-KY/Fairytales-Treasures-Childrens-Photography/239775676819?ref=mf

Also, we are doing our VIP sessions for only $35.00 (regular $75) if you reserve for a Monday (for any Monday from now until Christmas). This offer ends September 30th, so call now! (606)432-1200

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sorry it has been a while since I posted a blog.

As some of you know, Jim and I are expecting a baby soon. She has been trying to arrive early and we have been trying to get her to stay put for just a couple more weeks.
I just wanted to inform everyone so that if you stop by or call the studio and no one is there, you'll know what is going on. Feel free to leave a message on my voice mail and one of us will get back with you ASAP.

I'm still booking appointments though I may have to call you to reschedule if the baby decides to make her early appearance.
We are hoping that all will go well and Jim or I can be at the studio during regular hours from here on out.

Thank you for your patience and is a little preview of our baby's ultrasound for you to enjoy. She even gave us a little smile...she's ready for the camera!

Cindy and Jimmy Artrip

Monday, February 22, 2010

Photo Of the Week

The Newsome family was such a pleasure to work with. The girls have such captivating little personalities! And the baby was so sweet and adorable. I chose this as our picture of the week because it shows the sweet emotion, concern, and love that the girls have for their new baby brother. This little guy is very lucky to have two big sisters to help care for him the way that they do.

I definitely want to thank this family for giving me the opportunity to capture these precious moments for them. I appreciate the fact that they are the newest members of our "Beautiful Baby" Plan. I look forward to providing them with many years of beautiful memories! Thank you and God Bless!